If you are on this page hoping to read my blog, you will be sad because my blog is now moved strictly to my email list! However you can always come to this blog site to find videos/pictures that are complementary to my monthly blog update!
If you aren’t on my email list and hope to still receive my blog, feel free to shoot me a text or email at the contact info below so that I can add you!
Phone: 415-933-3877
Email: lailah.duke@anyfocus.org
2 of (about) 4 baptisms we had this semester! It is a thing now that we sing. And isn’t that what God’s people are marked by? Singing? 😊 when’s the last time you sang to the Lord unprompted? You might be missing out on a real good heart softener
I will show yall clips of these students singing forever because it WAS NOT THIS WAY back in 2021 when I came! Just when it looks like there is nothing that will change for a long time, God surprises you!
And again I say! UTD students were excited about AND showed up to a spontaneous worship night?! With no plan or lyrics for what we would be singing?! In what world?!
A worship team jam session snippet.
BLISS kickback sneak peak of the vibes 😊
BLISS kickback sneak peak of the vibes
That’s all from the month of October & November!
God, as always, did his thing. I wouldn’t be able to see Him do His thing unless He first did a thing in all of YOU, my sweet and super supportive supporters. Thank yall a million and 1 times for all you pour into our ministry. You are invaluable.